Original accessories for LG Commercial Laundry machines
At Laundrysolution we offer additional accessories for flawless, uninterrupted use of your LG laundry technology for commercial customers. Of course, this is precisely adapted to the functionality and equipment features of the commercial washing machines and industrial dryers that we offer exclusively. You benefit from easy installation and direct commissioning of your new LG devices. Of course, if required, you will benefit from a personal service to quickly connect the accessories offered by Laundrysolution to your LG commercial washing machine.
For example, you can use the practical dosing pumps, with which you can make the use of industrial washing machines even easier and more precise. Or opt for the LG ozone generator and combine it with your LG commercial washing machine. You save money by reducing the amount of detergent and at the same time benefit from a very high standard of hygiene. In everyday life, you can still rely on the very simple operation.
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